Takeda Demonstrates Long-term Commitment to Antibody Drug Conjugates in Oncology With its Expanded Agreement With Mersana Therapeutics

By Natasha Berry

Pharma Deals Review: Vol 2016 Issue 2 (Table of Contents)

Published: 27 Feb-2016

DOI: 10.3833/pdr.v2016.i2.2144     ISSN: 1756-7874

Section: Licensing



In an attempt to bolster its early-stage oncology pipeline and as the company looks to refocus its priorities towards its speciality care interests and away from some of its slowing primary care businesses, Takeda has expanded its pre-existing collaboration with Mersana Therapeutics in a deal that could be worth up to US$830 M for the pre-clinical antibody drug conjugate XMT-1522...

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