Sanofi and miRecule Partner to Develop Novel Antibody-RNA Conjugate for Muscular Dystrophy Therapy

By Swati Sharan

Pharma Deals Review: Vol 2022 Issue 11 (Table of Contents)

Published: 1 Nov-2022

DOI: 10.3833/pdr.v2022.i11.2743     ISSN: 1756-7874

Section: Research & Development



In a bid to broaden its rare disease franchise, Sanofi has entered into an exclusive license and collaboration agreement with miRecule to develop and commercialise an antibody-RNA conjugate, by combining the latter’s anti-DUX4 RNA therapy with Sanofi’s targeted NANOBODY technology, to treat patients suffering with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD)...

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